Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Magazines in the checkout line: Airbrush much?

Being taller than most certainly gives you a much different perspective than those around you have about the world and the people in it. As i'm standing in the checkout line of a grocery store I look around......at all of the people....different body types....different lifestyles....some looking for change or rejuvenation within their own lives-you can see it in their tired, lifeless, every-day-same-routine eyes....and then my attention turns to the magazines with the bright colors and perfectly symetrical models.
What is wrong with these depictions of sexy women and handsome men? Some say that the expectations are unrealistic for "normal" people. Normal people? Hmmmm.....let's see... what are normal people? Answer: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A NORMAL PERSON. This statement can be justified by a few reasons. First, every person is different or unique in there own way. Second, everyone's body is different both internally and externally. Third, these models, movie stars and athletes share identical characteristics with us: they breathe air, put their pants on one leg at a time, etc...... So why are the expectations of getting that "six pack" or "losing those extra pounds" unrealistic? They aren't. Everyone just has to follow different guidelines to obtain them.
The United States has been unanymously voted the most overweight country in the world, that's no secret. So if anything, these magazines are HEALTHY for our society to look at. There's nothing wrong with trying a new diet in "Women's World" or trying a new protein shake in "Men's Health". Some say these magazines are the source of anorexia and bulimia. The real cause of these eating disorders is the lack of education about the human body, nutririon and metabolism.EVERYONE has something that they want to change, wether they admit it or not.  And anyone who is satisfied with their life is dead, bereft of life. These are the perpetual potatoes of the couch and those who chose to drive to places within walking distance. And these are the people in the grocery store lines everyday in America.